Building Services Engineering Consultancy
Designing mechanical and electrical systems for buildings.

Noun: Design Foundry
Definition 1: A company that melts engineering design, with architectural vision and structural form, to cast low carbon, elegant design solutions (fit for the 21st century).
Working with Design Foundry
Extensive Experience
Engineers with over 40 years extensive experience within the Building Services Industry.
Professionally Recognised
Chartered with Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) & Institution of Building Servcies Engeering (CIBSE).
Embracing Change
Buidling servcies technology & materials is constantly evolving; we embrace this change & contuntially keep upto date.
Integrated Design
We adopt the latest information technology to allow design solutions to be iterated quickly & solutions demonstrated.
Industry Leading Building Design
Our people proactively develop their knowledge in order to embrace current design practice using proven technologies.
Fully Insured
We are fully insured to protect our clients and fellow professional colleagues.
We are a carbon neutral business
We believe action. We continually focus upon reducing our carbon footprint. But it is not possible to eliminate our emissions so we have joined with Carbon Neutral Britain to offset the balance of our emissions. We can all make a difference, no matter how small.